Friday, December 11, 2009

Catherine Lucille - 10 Months

Lucille is 10 months old this month. She is such a blessing to our family. The other day Jason told me that I am more attached to her than I was to our other babies, and I would have to agree. I think it is because I am not taking the fact that I was blessed with another baby for granted.

Lucy is a fast crawler! She likes to try to keep up with Joshua & Mercy, getting into their toys & following them around. She pulls up on everything - tables, chairs, shelves, boxes and she has even tried climbing the stairs. She has even stood up on her own for a few seconds at a time.

Last week her first tooth broke through. She chews on everything, tables, toys, books, & feet if she can catch them.

Lucy loves books, magazines, & papers. She will sit for a long time just turning the pages of a magazine before ripping it apart. She also likes to turn the pages herself when we read her a book.

One day at my mom's house, Lucy had a long stroll in Mercy's doll stroller. She fit into it perfectly and loved to be pushed all around the house as she swung her feet back and forth!

Last week at an appointment with her pediatrician we learned that Lucy only gained 3 ounces in the last 3 months! So we are trying to fatten her up with healthy foods. And I am supplementing a little formula along with her regular nursing. She goes back in 2 weeks to see if she has grown any.

After that appointment, I felt so worried. What if something is wrong with her? Is it me? Am I a bad mother who doesn't feed her child properly? But that worry didn't last long. I refuse to worry. I will just trust in God that everything will work out. And I will be more aware of what she is eating and making sure she is eating healthy and more often.

She IS a big eater now. I have been more aggressive in getting her to eat more, and making all that she eats count. You know she really likes something because she will very loudly demand more as soon as she gets a spoonful. She prefers to feed herself. Some of her favorite foods right now are peanut butter on whole wheat bread, mac and cheese (whole wheat or asparagus noodles), avocado, Joe's Ohs, and pears. But she also likes carrots, potatoes, peas, green beans, bananas, oatmeal cereal and cheese.
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Anonymous said...

Michelle, just wanted to reiterate my previous comments; it's always so nice to take a few minutes and peek in on the happenings and happiness of your beautiful family.
All five of you are doing such a fabulous job!
Love, Aunt Sharon ~