Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lucy is Feeling Better!

Praises to God! Our little Lucille is on the road to recovery! Lucille has been able to hold her food down for a full 24 hours and she woke up this morning with a smile for the first time in a week. She has been playing all morning, singing & talking. She has her spunk back! Now she just has to regain her strength and the weight she lost.

Here is a video I took of her on March 9th. Lord willing she will be back to this spunky girl by the end of the week.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Foto Friday

Don't pass out...Here is the first Foto Friday post in over a year. So as not to overwhelm you, I decided to keep it simple.
I recently found my three monsters on the couch like this. Joshua is reading Frog and Toad to Mercy and Lucille. I love being a mommy. I love being their mommy.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

More Coming Soon....

Thought I would try blogging again
But I am busy this week with a sick little one. Lucille has a stomache bug.
Since Monday.
She hasn't been able to keep any food down. And today she has been crying/moaning most of the day.
But homeschooling is done.
Corned beef is cooking.
Life goes on anyhow.
God is still good.