Friday, February 22, 2008

Our Valentine's Dinner

Sorry, I have been remiss in my blog posting of late. We have been happily busy with activities.
This weekend is the Little League Opening Day and if the rain doesn't prevent it, Joshua will have his first ball game of the season. Go Tigers! Jason also is set to have a game that day. We are also looking forward to the Winter Music Festival of the Western Society of Chamber Music on Saturday night. It is a great way to introduce the family to classical music.
We had a very enjoyable Valentine's dinner. The children helped in the kitchen, and had a blast decorating the table. They did an awesome job.
They wanted lots of candles! So I lit up the candelabra and tea lights.

We had champagne and sparkling apple cider. The children were so excited that they got to use the glass champagne flutes.

Sugar Cookies!
The children each arranged a vase of flowers. Mercy decorated place cards. Joshua made construction paper hearts and wrote a Bible verse about love on each one, he then placed one under each plate as a surprise.
It was a special family dinner. We all agreed that we should make it an annual tradition. I am already thinking of ideas for next year!
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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Valentine's Dinner

The children & I have decided to cook a nice Valentine's Day dinner this year. We are planning on steak, baked potatoes, and asparagus cooked in white wine. We also will be making sugar cookies!
Right now, Joshua and Mercy are trying to decide what to make for a centerpiece. They love doing crafts! Joshua says there should be hearts. Mercy says that it should be "mantic." So we will probably have a romantic heart-shaped centerpiece!

Well, I hope that everyone has a very "mantic" Valentine's Day!

Our Dating Anniversary!

On this date, 13 years ago, my husband and I started dating. We don't celebrate this occasion any longer, but we did for the almost 5 years that we were dating.

God has really blesssed me since he brought this wonderful man into my life. I am a wife to a wonderful, godly man, I have two healthy, beautiful children, a lovely home, a loving family, and a supportive, God-honoring church.

Jason's senior prom, May 1995
Summer of 1995

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