Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Year is Flying By - Already!

Today is the last day of January. Can you believe it? That really flew by. Of course we have been very busy with activities. Jason started a new softball season. Mercy is in gymnastics. Joshua continues his violin lessons, & his first Little League meeting is tonight. Add to that field trips, family get-togethers, library visits, home schooling, and life in general. Wow!

I am so thankful to God for blessing our family with all these opportunities. My family is happy & healthy. I look forward to the rest of the year and what the Lord brings our way!

Planes of Fame field trip with our homeschool group

Mercy on her way to gymnastics.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Carbon Canyon Nature Trail

This past Saturday we headed out to Carbon Canyon Park. This time we decided to hike the 1-mile nature trail that ends in a beautiful 10-acre grove of Coastal Redwood trees.

Mercy and Joshua pose at the trail-head.

Joshua was our fearless leader.

Here is Mercy posing next to a baby Redwood tree.
The trail was an easy one, mostly level and straight. Mercy found lots of sticks along the way that she called "Swords of Truth." Usually when we take the children to a park, I like to bring a brown paper bag for each of them. In it they put the "treasure" that they find - interesting rocks, pinecones, flowers, etc..
After the hike we had a picnic and relaxed. It was another beautiful day at the park.
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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Mercy's 1st Haircut

Yesterday, Mercy had her first haircut. I should say she had her first professional haircut. Her first haircut was last July when her brother cut a big chunk off the top and out of the side.
Before we left the house she was so excited about going to have it done. On the way there she practically jumped out of the car because she changed her mind. When we arrived, the stylist told her to pick any chair she wanted - Mercy walked out the door!
We eventually coaxed her into the chair with bubbles and she did a wonderful job of sitting still.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lake Arrowhead

Our family spent the week of New Year's up in Lake Arrowhead with Jason's father, step-mother, and siblings. We had a relaxing time hiking, playing games, and just hanging out. The children were dissappointed that there was not any snow, so we took them to a sledding hill with man-made snow. That is where Mercy (above) made "the smallest snowball in the world."

We stopped at a turnout on the way up the mountain because Jason was scaring me trying to look at the view while driving.

We were able to play lots of games on our trip. I lost count of how many times Joshua beat his dad at Stratego.

Here is a family shot near the lake.
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