Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Mercy is 5!

Mercy is now five years old.
Jason & I let her plan a special night out. We started out with her favorite pizza at Jojo's. After, we went to the Shoppes for an outdoor viewing of the movie Wallie. It drizzled a little throughout the movie but Joshua, Mercy & Jason stuck it out while Lucy & I sat in the car. Then it was off to the bookstore where Mercy asked that she and her brother each get to pick a book. We finished the night with hot cocoa at Starbucks.
It was a long night (we didn't get home until after 10pm), but it a fun night spent witth our little blessings.

This is a picture of Mercy wearing the dress that Grandpa Steve & Grandma Sandy gave her. She was so excited that the dress came with a matching dress for her doll that she insisted on putting it on right away!
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Friday, May 01, 2009

Foto Friday

This week's installment of Foto Friday brings us a picture of Jason with Reggie Jackson. I am not sure how old he is in this picture but I would guess around eight.

Jason went to Eastland Shopping Mall in West Covina with his mom and Aunt Rosanne to see Mr. Jackson who was to be at a sports store's grand opening. Before going to the sports store they stopped for some popcorn. When Jason arrived at the front of the line for his autograph, Mr. Jackson asked where he had bought the popcorn and then asked if Jason would buy him some. Jason agreed, Mr. Jackson gave Jason the money and Jason ran to buy the popcorn. When he got back, Jason gave Mr. Jackson his popcorn and change and got to talk to him for a short while.

The women in the background is Jason's mom, his aunt took the picture. Thank you Rosanne for giving us the picture and the story behind it.

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