Friday, May 26, 2006

Our Day @ Mouse Land

Yesterday, we went to Disneyland! It was a wonderful day to go. The temperature was about 77 degrees with a cool breeze; but best of all, the park was not very crowded.

Joshua splashed around in Bug's Land, while Mercy napped. He was soaked!

We all rode the giant caterpiller.

Shortly after this picture was taken, Joshua told me, "Mom, this is the best day ever!" Which made me laugh since earlier in the day he fell and skinned both his knee and elbow and told me: "Mom this is the worstest day ever!"

The Mad Hatter's Tea Party.

Aunt Marina, Mercy, & Joshua.
This was Mercy's first ride on the Teacups. She loved it! She kept saying "Whoa! Whoa! Whooooa!"

Overall, it was a fun day. We rode Buzz Lightyear, Autotopia, the Storybook Boat, the Teacups, Alice in Wonderland, Soaring over California, and the Caterpillar ride.! Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 22, 2006

A Day at Carbon Canyon Park

Last Saturday we decided to enjoy the beautiful day that God gave us and head to the park; so, we packed up a picnic lunch, some outdoor toys, and a blanket and off we went! Joshua at the playground.

Mercy, Jason, & Joshua contemplating a swim.

Mercy reading "The Squirrel and the Nut"

We spent the day eating sandwiches, drinking mint iced tea, playing "Joshua Rules" badminton, tossing the football, flying paper airplanes, and generally just lounging and frolicking in the park.
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The Davis' in Chicago

This is the family at John & Katie's rehearsal dinner. November 4, 2005 Posted by Picasa